I was lucky enough to be a part of the fabulous Sex and the City group and work with such great group members who did a great job. I'm sort of a fan of the show and had probably seen about 85% of the episodes before the presentation. We gave out mock martini's, showed a clip of a scene, and broke the class up into character groups to answer questions about views of the women on Sex and the City. I helped through contributing questions that the individual groups answered.
For those that are fans of the hit television show Sex and the City, they know that it follows the lives of four very different women and it chronicles their relationships, friendships, careers, failures, and successes. The television series ran for a few seasons on the HBO network and through those seasons we followed the many relationships of all four women. In the YouTube clip Carrie Bradshaw, the main character and her relationship with “Big,” the guy that she has been seeing on and off and eventually ends up with. In the scene Carrie is having a flashback of when Big and herself where involved in a bedroom scene. In Barker’s Culture Space and Urban Space, he discusses space and place and describes them as being “absence-presence” (376). “Place is marked by face-to-face encounters and space by the relations between absent others” (376). In Carrie’s flashback she is reminiscing on their time together because she is feeling guilty about it. Carrie’s flashback, although not being an actual face-to-face encounter would still be considered happening in a place rather than space because as Barker says to distinguish between space and place, place “focuses on human experience, memory, desire, and identity” (376). Carrie’s flashback was came from her memory and her desire to be with Big.